Welcome to the Dual Enrollment Gateway
Please review the information below and choose your next step.
Registration for Spring will be available on November 18th. For questions, please reach out to Jessi.cannaday@montana.edu
Returning Dual Enrollment Students: Login with your NETID and NETID Password
LoginIf you don’t remember your NetID or long in credentials, you can Claim/Recover your NeID.
If you know your NETID but forgot your password reset it.
Registration for Spring will be available on November 18th. For questions, please reach out to Jessi.cannaday@montana.edu
New Students: You must complete the application before you exit. You will need 15-20 minutes.
Apply Now and Request RegistrationQuestions or comments? Contact our office at (405) 994-2646; or gallatincollege@montana.edu